Thursday, July 12, 2012

NSU Global Leadership Conference 2012

Yesterday we left after a wonderful NSU Global Leadership Conference at Disney Contemporary Hotel in Orlando. It was wonderful to connect with so many  of our students, faculty, and those coming  into the programs! We welcome many of you here!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

NSU's Global Leadership Conference

We hope to see many of our students, colleagues, and friends at the upcoming Global Leadership Conference at the Disney Contemporary Hotel in Orlando. Our session is called ... Leading the Way: Putting Mind, Brain, and Education Research into Practice

In our session you will discover how key findings from the fields of education, mind, and brain provide hope, promise, and practical implications for schooling today. We will share research findings based on studies of graduates of these exciting studies. Participants will learn about new discoveries regarding brain plasticity that support adult and student learning, the power of adopting and modeling practical optimism, and strategies for increasing attention, memory, and finishing tasks. These findings on the impact of MBE studies are based on several datasets that have been shared in recent months at the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, American Educational Research Association (INET), National Association of Elementary School Principals, and the International Educational Organization’s symposia in Abu Dhabi and Dubai. Research and applications shared in this session will also be included in an teacher education textbook currently in development with Teachers College Press and an article in The Reading Teacher journal, both of which are tentatively set for publication in 2013. Visit us at

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

For the Love of Teaching: Metacognitive Thinking Skills for Life and Learnin...

Happy July 4th! I'm reposting Diane Dahl's post today for educators and other friends and colleagues who seek to learn more about the importance of optimism generally and academic optimism specifically. What a wonderful disposition to have in school and life!

For the Love of Teaching: Metacognitive Thinking Skills for Life and Learnin...: This is the first in a series of thinking skills for life and learning. Those of you who follow my blog know the dramatic successes I have...