The topic of metacognition can seem quite abstract—a complex concept
for students to embrace. But it is worth the effort to develop a
metacognitive mindset in setting goals for learning and in monitoring
progress toward achieving those goals. For teachers empowering students
to think about their thinking with the aim of improving learning, it can
be truly inspiring when they see the resulting changes in students’
motivation, resilience, and learning gains.
A 2014
study by Veenman and colleagues suggests that metacognition, or
“cognition about cognition,” may account for some 40 percent of the
variation in learning achievement across a range of outcomes. One of the
major benefits of guiding students to become more metacognitive is in
the context of goal setting and the impact on their motivation when they
take charge of learning goals.
Let’s consider a common scenario.
Learning With—and Without—Metacognition
student of average motivation (he understands the importance of
academic performance and wants to do well in school) has set a goal to
get a good grade on an upcoming test. In preparation, he spends 30
minutes the night before the test reading the textbook. He is
disappointed when he scores poorly on the test. The student might
interpret his low test results to mean that he lacks the ability to
learn the material, and consequently begin to disengage from the
subject. Discouragement and declining motivation could set in.
Read the entire blog post at Edutopia.
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