Monday, September 19, 2011

Positively Grateful Classrooms

Over the last few days I have had the pleasure of talking with a number of graduate students who are studying our education, mind and brain curriculum for teachers at NSU. These teachers are very inspirational! A theme among them is that they have found the research about the importance of positive optimism fascinating and the practical strategies they are learning helpful in the classroom! One example from their teaching strikes a particular chord during the autumn season-the importance of gratitude. Several teachers spoke with me about positive effects among their students when they encourage gratitude as a part of each school day beginning early in the year. As they bring a spirit of thankfulness into the classroom, students tend to keep it front of mind.


  1. I found a terrific children's book about filling buckets! I was so excited to share the importance of filling others buckets with my 7th graders! I pulled out my own copy of "How Full is Your Bucket" to read yet again. And it made an impact on my students. I watch them every day fill one another's buckets! I love that we can pass this on knowing the impact it makes on the learning brains!!

  2. Meg, you are such an inspirational teacher! Seventh grade is a good time to teach students about the power of practical optimism and being metacognitive about our attitude.
