Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Dallas School Highlights Our BrainSMART Strategies in Professional Development

Marcus’ and my professional learning strategies were featured in “The Weekly Armadillo,”  an online newsletter published by the Nathan Adams Elementary School in the Dallas Independent School District.

Quoting from one of our Edutopia blog posts, Inspiring Progress Toward Learning Goals, the excerpt drove home the point that, "By teaching students to monitor their thinking during learning by setting goals, applying strategies, reflecting, and adjusting, teachers will help them improve their learning ability."

The newsletter also drew attention to our strategies for “Goal Setting and The Brain,” which stressed the importance of setting learning coals; choosing the most effect learning strategies, reflecting on what you know and what you need to find out, adjust strategies accordingly, and learning from experience.

Using this information as a jumping-off point, the school offered this “action item” for their teachers to pursue: “As you administer instructional interventions to your students, help them set goals for those short term wins that lead to long term gains. Be prepared to share what this looks like in your classroom on Thursday during your instructional planning time.”

You can access the newsletter at the following link: The Weekly Armadillo.

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